Oppies, 73 - Krugersdorp
Gauteng, South Africa

About Me:
Firstly, I would like to indicate that I do not believe all the profiles written here. That is mainly because people like to impress.
Well I am not tall dark and handsome, tall yes 6’ 3” if that is tall. I have blue eyes, brown hair, which some grey is showing, and believe I am healthy. I do have some likes and dislikes like any other person,
I am compassionate and loving towards my partner, always showing my affection, this can be in the house or amongst other people. Yes, I do believe that love and compassion do not stop when you walk out of the front door.
Honesty is on top of my list, and lies I cannot tolerate. My memory is too short to try and remember lies, which, in the long run always come out.
I do like to hunt and do some sea fishing, camping, watch sport on TV,( Create my own sport at home ) and sometimes just be with my partner, even if nothing is said, just watching her, and appreciating her.
To say I am faultless will be a lie. I do believe that I am honest, caring, and faithful towards my partner.
I am neat and clean on myself, yet I am not a perfectionist, and can leave my shoes in the lounge.
I am young at heart and can be boyish when the time allows it
Looking For:
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
So what type of woman will attract me? The women I am looking for will not be perfect, because I am not perfect.
She will be a lady who can be my best friend, partner and lover and wife.
A person that is neat and clean. Looks after herself and always tries to impress her partner the way she dresses. (This is not to say she should be formally dressed all the time) Jeans and T-shirt and are OK, or even your pyjamas when, we are alone.
She will return love and affection and not wait only to receive it.
She will not be overweight.
As I allow her, her space and freedom I expect to receive the same.
She would be a person, to whom I can share my happy and sad thoughts.
I know this will sound absurd, but, she should be interested in the sexual side of the partnership.
As I will adapt to her, she must be adaptable to me. Partnership is not a one way (I want all) relationship and should come 100% from both sides
Chemistry will tell.